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Our Stories

Patients & Families: Joe Hall

Joe Hall

“Calvary gave my family the gift of time — time to laugh, love, and say goodbye. I’m forever grateful.”

Joe Hall knows firsthand Calvary Hospital’s profound impact on families facing the hardest moments of their lives. His brother Tom, a man known for his courage and sense of humor, was diagnosed with brain cancer. Despite the severity of his illness, Tom approached his diagnosis with the same bravery that defined him.

When Tom’s health declined, Calvary was there. In just a few days at the hospital, Tom’s true personality—funny and free-spirited—shone through, even in his final moments. Joe recalls a nurse finding Tom outside his room, where he quipped, “I’m just waiting for my date to show up.” Even as his life neared its end, Tom was still making jokes.

Not long after losing Tom, Joe’s family turned to Calvary again when his father was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. The care his father received brought comfort and relief from the pain that previous treatments had caused. Surrounded by their boisterous Irish family, Joe’s father spent his remaining days smiling and enjoying every moment, thanks to Calvary’s compassionate care.

One moment stands out for Joe: a conversation with Sister Teresa, a member of Calvary’s Family Care team. She gently prepared him for the inevitable, advising that there might come a time when he would need to help his father let go. When that moment came, Joe was ready, and as he held his father’s hand, he found peace in knowing that his dad was finally at rest.

“Calvary helped us create memories that will last a lifetime. For that, I am forever grateful.”

Joe’s story is just one example of what CalvaryCare® provides to families when tender love and support matter most. From our doctors and nurses to our counselors and support staff, every person at Calvary plays a vital role in delivering comfort and dignity to those in their care.

CalvaryCare® Admission

If you or a loved one seeks compassionate care, we invite you to contact us. Our dedicated staff is available to answer your questions about the admissions process and our range of services. Whatever you may need assistance with, we are here to help.

Contact Calvary today and experience the difference that exceptional care can make in your journey towards healing and comfort.

Calvary Hospital: 718-518-2000
Calvary Hospice: 718-518-2465

The Best Hospice Care in the New York Metro-Area

During his last days, only Calvary Hospital was able to relieve our son Greg’s cancer pain with peace and dignity.
No parent should ever have to bury their child. But on October 14, 2014, our son Greg, only 35, lost his battle with cancer. Courageous throughout his entire life, with a love for adventure and travel, it was heartbreaking to see him suffer. But thanks to you and your expert staff, you relieved Greg’s physical pain, and the emotional pain of our entire family, as well. For Greg’s final week, our family alternated our overnight stays, so we would always be with him. In fact, his hospital room became a sacred place for us, filled with peace and serenity. Your combination of professional expertise and compassion was remarkable. We have never seen such genuine care and concern. Believe us, we know. I’m a physical therapist, and my wife is a registered nurse. Greg lived out his final days with dignity and peace, in a place like no other. –Thank you Calvary Hospital.

Michael & Rosemary Salamone

Your care for my Susan during her final days was life-saving.
I am grateful beyond words for the care that Calvary Hospital provided my beloved wife Susan at the end of her life. Your medical attention and palliative expertise were superior. Your attentive sensitivity to our needs as a Jewish family was remarkable. And your heartfelt love which we felt from every staff member was genuine. Calvary provided Susan with more than just a place for her to die, but also a sheltered, peaceful community to leave this life as she lived it – with her dignity undiminished. As soon as Calvary started caring for Susan, you lifted that heavy burden from us and allowed us to simply be a family once again. Because of you, my soulmate died in peace, which assures me that she will rest in peace. God bless you, Calvary Hospital.

Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman