2019 Annual Report
Message From The Chairman Of The Board And President
Our 2019 Annual Report reflects events that occurred during the year – and there are many exciting items to share. However, this report is being written in 2020 when so much has happened in our world. It would seem odd not to at least mention COVID-19 and the remarkable work that the men and women of Calvary have done these past few months.

CalvaryCare® is not possible without you.
“During her final days, it was Calvary’s expert staff that gave her that special end-of-life care with the grace and dignity our mom, the consummate caregiver, deserved.
Thank you, Calvary, for taking care of our mom, who took care of all of us.”
Message From The Calvary Fund Chairman
Dear Friends,
I am grateful for this opportunity to offer a heartfelt thank-you to all of our Calvary friends who have continued to give generously in 2019. Your support of Calvary has enabled us to provide compassionate, comprehensive care to thousands of terminal patients near the end of life.
2019 Calvary Fund Report
In 2019, the Calvary Fund raised $10.9 million in gifts and new pledges to support and advance the mission of Calvary Hospital.
Thank You to Our Donors
The donor listing acknowledges gifts and pledge payments of $1,000 or more received by Calvary during the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
We regret that space limitations do not allow us to list every gift received, but we assure you that every donation, of every size, has contributed to the care of our patients and their families.
View Donor List: Individuals | Organizations
Message From The Chairman Of The Board And President
Our 2019 Annual Report reflects events that occurred during the year – and there are many exciting items to share. However, this report is being written in 2020 when so much has happened in our world. It would seem odd not to at least mention COVID-19 and the remarkable work that the men and women of Calvary have done these past few months.
We are always proud of the care we provide and the thousands of patients and families we help each year. 2020 presented many unique challenges to us. We remain committed to our mission. These have been extraordinary months reflecting on the work of our incredible staff. Their ability to deliver the same outstanding care as they always have under the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic is a true testament to their unbelievable dedication to patients and their integrity as health care professionals.
In our 2020 Annual Report next spring we will have much more detail on specific acts of heroism and selflessness.
For now, allow us to share highlights of 2019:
We raised a record $10.9 million from loyal donors and supporters like you. A person’s ability to afford CalvaryCare® has never been – and should never be – an obstacle to obtaining our unique care.
Your support today ensures that our special CalvaryCare® is available whenever and wherever our patients need it, especially in underserved communities.
Christopher P. Comfort, MD, who was our medical director for 20 years, was promoted to Chief Operating Officer. We are confident that this appointment will position us well for the future.
Calvary@Home continues to present a tremendous opportunity for us. As medical advances enhance our ability to manage pain and symptoms more effectively, Calvary has expanded its footprint in the community. We also collaborate with carefully chosen community partners who share our commitment to high-quality care.
We overhauled our state-of-the-art pharmacy, installed the Meditech data management system, and replaced our energy system with cogeneration furnaces. These three investments will allow Calvary to care for patients more safely and accurately, and save us more than $250,000 a year in energy costs.
We strengthened our track record of caring for patients from a rich tapestry of cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. We began collaborating with CACCC (Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care) to help educate the Chinese community on end-of-life care. This ethnic group represents some distinct cultural challenges when dealing with this important topic.
Family members and patients often tell us that they wish they had known about Calvary earlier in their lives. Your support helps ensure that we continue educating people about our expertise and when it might be a good time to bring Calvary into their lives. CalvaryCare® is not possible without you.
The generous support of our Hospital and Fund Boards makes all of this important work possible. We welcomed Daniel Donovan, Bonnie Brennan, and Daniel McSwiggan as new members of the Fund board and Daniel Gurell, MD to the Hospital Board. Our board members each bring their passion and talents to our unique mission of caring for adult patients at the end-of-life.
We feel secure in knowing that we can count on our staff, the Hospital and Fund Boards, and our many volunteers and supporters, as we navigate the rest of this truly unusual year. We assure you that COVID-19 or not, we will continue providing the best end-of-life care in the world – with a team that will continually rise to meet any new challenges.
Thank you once again for your tremendous support of our sacred mission. In gratitude for the support you have already given to Calvary, and the support you will give in the future.
Thomas J. Fahey, Jr., MD
Chairman, Calvary Hospital Board of Directors
Frank A. Calamari
President and Chief Executive Officer
Message From The Calvary Fund Chairman
Dear Friends,
I am grateful for this opportunity to offer a heartfelt thank-you to all of our Calvary friends who have continued to give generously in 2019. Your support of Calvary has enabled us to provide compassionate, comprehensive care to thousands of terminal patients near the end of life.
Our mission, to lift up the burden of fear and anxiety for patients and families, is what we do best. We will continue to do just that every day with the comfort of faith and prayer that guides all Calvary staff including the nurses, doctors, chaplains, and social workers, particularly during these uncertain times.
Over the last decade, with the values that exemplify Calvary Hospital, we have been able to help more individuals and members of their families via our programs in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. Additionally, the Calvary@Home program has continued to expand. We provide in-hospital intensive end-of-life care, a far-reaching set of services for people admitted to our other locations, people at home, children at bereavement camp, and families touched by our bereavement services.
With an exemplary history of more than a century caring for people who are near the end of life, Calvary is now faced with how best to meet the challenges and welcome the opportunities of the future. Our campaign, the CalvaryCare® Initiative, will help expand patient services, including Calvary@Home community care; launch telehealth programs; increase Calvary’s research and education capabilities, and provide sustainability through programmatic endowments and capital project support.
You will continue to hear more about this critical campaign throughout 2020 and beyond. As always, Calvary Hospital’s mission is sustained by the commitment of our donors.
We are extremely grateful to the foundations, corporations, and Storrs Society leadership donors as well as the thousands of individuals and families who support Calvary Hospital every year, including those who participate in our Golf Classic, Awards Gala and Attorney Conference.
Again, thank you. We appreciate all that our Calvary Family does every day to support our mission.
Carlos M. Hernandez
Chairman, Calvary Fund Board of Directors
2019 Calvary Fund Report
In 2019, the Calvary Fund raised $10.9 million in gifts and new pledges to support and advance the mission of Calvary Hospital.
Calvary Annual Awards Gala
Carlos M. Hernandez, Chairman of the Calvary Fund, oversaw a successful 2019 Awards Gala, which raised $750,000.
Mr. Hernandez presented the Calvary Medal to Kelly C. Coffey, Chief Executive Officer of City National Bank, and David J. Arena, Head of Global Real Estate for JPMorgan Chase & Co. Ms. Coffey and Mr. Arena were recognized for their distinguished corporate and civic leadership and outstanding philanthropic commitment to the Calvary mission.
The event also included a special presentation of The Calvary Medal and the Annie Blount Storrs Award to Michael J. Brescia, MD, in recognition of his visionary leadership of Calvary. Dr. Brescia has spearheaded Calvary’s family-centric approach to patient care for more than 56 years. He helped Calvary Hospital earn its global reputation as a leader in palliative care, and expanded care to patients and families from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds.
Leadership News at Calvary
Christopher P. Comfort, MD was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in July 2019. Dr. Comfort has been a vital member of Calvary’s medical team for over 20 years. In his new position, Dr. Comfort has administrative oversight for Calvary’s $137 million operating budget covering our 200-bed Bronx campus, 25-bed Brooklyn campus, as well as our patient care at The Dawn Greene Hospice at Mary Manning Walsh in Manhattan and Ozanam Hall of Queens Nursing Home. Dr. Comfort is the first medical doctor to hold this post.
National Healthcare Decisions Day
Advance care planning is an ongoing discussion about your health care goals, values, and wishes for the future. In honor of National Healthcare Decisions Day in April, Calvary Hospital created an online digital resource section that encourages dialog between families, friends and medical team about future health care preferences. For more information, please visit www.calvaryhospital.org/acp.
Monumental Annual Spring Donor Appreciation Reception
Calvary Hospital hosted their Annual Spring Donor Reception at The New York Botanical Garden in April 2019. Nearly 400 people gathered at the picturesque site to share their experiences, connect with old friends, and hear about the latest updates from Calvary.
CalvaryCare® Initiative
The CalvaryCare® Initiative is a $100 million fundraising initiative strategically designed to support the growing number of terminally ill patients in New York. Between 2010 and 2030, the elderly population of the New York metropolitan region is expected to grow by 37%. Calvary intends to be at the forefront of their care.
With the CalvaryCare® Initiative, Calvary is moving forward to adapt and expand while sustaining its core programs and principles, including a focus on palliative care and education. Already in the past year, Calvary has invested $1.9 million on successful strategic initiatives in patient care services and research. The CalvaryCare® Initiative will ensure more effective growth over the next decade.
This Campaign will enable Calvary to continue to be fully supported via the Annual Fund, while raising funds needed to enhance, create, and sustain our care, and also our education and research programs. Most important, this Campaign will secure Calvary’s future for many years to come.
Emerging Leaders
The Emerging Leaders Committee was formed in May 2019 to support the mission of Calvary Hospital through various fundraising activities under the leadership of the Calvary Fund Board of Directors. This is a new initiative for Calvary.
The Emerging Leaders Committee members are listed on page 31 of the full report.
Planned Giving Update
The bequests we receive every year enable us to maintain the high standards that define CalvaryCare®. In 2019, we received a total of $4.79 million from estate gifts. It is a credit to the hard work of our PAC members, listed on page 27, who help us identify individuals for whom Calvary is the right place to leave a legacy.
Our Professional Advisors Council (PAC) was established in 2001 to assist the Board of Directors and staff in securing the financial support needed to sustain CalvaryCare®. PAC members are volunteers from the legal, investment, accounting, insurance, and banking sectors. Michael J. A. Smith, a Fund Director, chairs the PAC.
The Professional Advisors Council (PAC) members are listed on page 27 of the full report.
Support of Foundations
We appreciate all of the foundations that awarded generous grants to support Calvary’s programs of care. Foundation giving totaled $1.06 million. Many foundations have supported Calvary’s mission steadfastly for years, including the following:
The RTS Family Foundation, which gave $190,000 in 2019 to support our nursing department, including education and wound care.
The Pat Cairo Family Foundation, which gave $125,000 in 2019 to fund Bereavement Support.
The Newman’s Own Foundation, which gave $75,000 in 2019 to support Bereavement Support Services for Children and Adolescents, and Pet Therapy.
The Y.C. Ho/Helen and Michael Chiang Foundation, which gave $60,000 in 2019 for the Palliative Care Institute and Bereavement Support Services.
The Hagedorn Fund, which gave $50,000 in 2019 for the Hospital’s overall mission and Bereavement Support Services for Children and Adolescents.
These represent a small sample of the foundations that generously supported Calvary in 2019.
Storrs Society
Direct mail, which is a critically important part of our fundraising efforts, raised $1.4 million in 2019. Thank you to all of our friends who read our letters and emails and responded so generously to our appeals.
The Storrs Society, named for Calvary’s founder, Annie Blount Storrs, recognizes all who gave a cumulative total of $1,000 or more in 2019. Many Storrs Society gifts are made in memory or in honor of a loved one. There are now 669 Storrs Society members. We are grateful to all who were able to make a Leadership gift to advance our care.
For Financial Highlights, see page 10 of the 2019 Annual Report (PDF)
Calvary Hospital Donors: Individuals
We regret that space limitations do not allow us to list every gift received
$25,000 & UP
Sandy & David Arena
Elaine & Alan Ascher
Connie J. Attanasio
Kelly C. Coffey
Claire & Carlos Hernandez
Michael Loobman
Gloria R. Marone
Margaret A. & William M.
Eileen T. Nugent, Esq.
Anne & William* O’Connor
Louise M. Parent, Esq. &
John Casaly
Carol A. Pfaff
Susan & Dennis M. Schneider
Lisa & Robert E. Spatt, Esq.
$10,000 – $24,999
Elaine & Manfred Altstadt
Khalil Z. Barrage
Marsha A. & William M. Chandler
Anne Alexis Coté Taylor
Maryann Fulda
Michael J. Glatthaar
Corinne Graber
Anne Marie N. Grey
Harry Hutzler
Mary Ellen Keegan
John Kosich
Lara Spencer & Richard M. McVey
Melanie Kogan & Scott J. Mellis
Janis & Alan Menken
Marilyn & Raymond Quartararo
Henry Riordan*
Joanna Socha
Eileen & Joseph Tarantino
Sheldon Wasserman
William W. Wilson
$5,000 – $9,999
Susan K. Allen
Lori A. & Charles J. Arduini
Susan C. & Timothy P. Barr
Sandra Atlas Bass
Cara Boyle & Craig Mende
Jean L. & Stephen A. Burke
Louis J. Cappelli
William E. Chambers
Barbara L. & John A. Decina
Joseph Deglomini
Alexandra & Joseph Deglomini, Jr.
The Joseph L. DeMarzo Family
Louis Dimenna
Edward Drayton
Talton Embry
Ellen Emery
Marion Feeney
Mary Louise Formato, MD
Robert W. Garthwait, Jr.
Carmela Gegenheimer
Diane F. Giacalone
Faye & Steven J. Golub
Mindy & Jonathan Gray
Charles J. Groppe, Esq.
Virginia & James Harden
Linda A. Karam
Nora M. & Paul F. Kardian
Joanne Lavin
Francis J. Lemieux, Jr.
Ariel Levavi
Claire M. Ludwig
Kathleen V. & John B. Lynch
Diahn W. & Thomas J.
McGrath, Esqs.
Helen McLoughlin Paul
Bettina M. Miraglia
Maryann J. Popiel, MD
Michael Quan
Salvatore Ragonese, Jr.
Janet & Kenneth Raske
Kenneth F. Scharfenberg
Barbara Sheridan
Carla & Amit Sikdar
Joan Squires Moran
Susanne & John J. Tumelty
Wendy Warren
Robin & Alan W. Weber
Kathleen A. Wickham
Patrick B. Woods
$1,000 – $4,999
Anonymous (7)
Douglas Abrams
George J. Ackerman
Richard H. Addy
Anthony M. & Ann Marie Agnello
Gertrude L. Agoglia
Angela Aguiar
Gladys Alvarez
Ann M. Amicone
Elisa Andreassi
Louis & Lora Annunziata
Julia C. Apotheker
John Armstrong
Ersen Arseven
Anthony Avanzato
William O. Bardavid
Lawrence Barone
Theresa Barracca
John Baudille
Peter M. Bauer
Wiktor Bednarz
Angeles Belleza
Dr. Grace Bellotti
Judith E. Belsky
George Benczak
Marilyn S. Benta
Stanley & Patricia Berman
Leslie M. Bernstein &
Francine Dunkel
Beverly C. & John P. Bertsch
John J. Bevins
Birnbaum Family
Jerilynn C. Bittner
Norman A. Bloch
Barry C. Bloom
Theodore Blumenthal
Virginia Bonaro
Joan P. Boyle & Robert A. Pooley
Dennis Bricker
Kathleen M. Broderick
Allyson M. & Arthur M. Brown
Christina H. Brown
James A. Brown
Mark S. Brown
Jeanmarie Brusati
Joseph O. Brusco
Bernadette Bucher-Glasse
Claudio Bulian
Frances Burgos
Mary A. & David G. Butler
Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
Jeremiah J. Callaghan
Marijane Camilleri
Matthew Camodeo
RoseMarie Campbell
Matthew C. Carbone
Mary M. Carolan
Angela B. Carone
Judith & Joel M. Carpet
Jeanne K. & Paul M. Carroll
Fernanda Carvani
Judith A. & Edward J. Casey, MD
Marianne M. Casey
Marco A. & Marlena Castaldi
Frank & Margaret Caulson
Dorando F. Cavallacci II
Benjamin J. Chapnick
Margot & Richard Chartoff
Wen & Jackson Chen
Phyllis Cherebin
Marie F. & Yuen-Sheng Chiang
Constance C. Chille
Rose & Gerardo Ciarambino
Sheila & Christopher Cimino
Marie A. Citrone
Sara I. & Robert D. Clark
Lorraine & William Cogen
Rochelle Cohen
Frank L. & Jean L. Colavito
Barbara & Tom Cole
Christopher P. Comfort, MD
Michael Conforti
James A. Conti
Mary E. & Michael W. Conway
Geraldine Cooney
Joseph W. Cooney
Naomi Córdova
Tracy Corn
Victoria Cosentino-Katibah
Sonya H. Coster
Ann T. Coughlan Brown
John W. Cronin
Gerald J. Cullen
George Culliney, Jr.
Jacqueline M. & Richard M. Cummins
Nancy & Michael D’Agostino
Maria & Charles D’Alessandro
Mark D’Urso
Ethel T. & Edward P. Dancy
Nancy & Frank De Cicco
Victor M. De Leon
Ronald R. De Rubeis
Trudi DeDonato
Maria Del Castillo
Tita Del Giudice
Nancy E. Delaney
Robert Delaney
Randolph A. DelFranco, Esq.
Hon. Reena R. Denton
Christine Dilonna
Concetta DiPietro
Lyle Domenitz
Mary J. & George T. Donahue
Diane Donnelly
Eileen & Daniel Donovan
Joan Dougherty
Ann & Richard G. Durant
Anthony Durante
Rose Mary Dyson
Ronald J. Edelstein
Laura C. & Bernard F. Egan
Patricia & Neil T. Eigen
Lillian Eiseman
Catherine Fabiitti
Benita Fadel
Eleanor K. & Thomas J. Fahey, Jr., MD
Ann Fanizzi
Anna & James Fantaci
John A. Farese
Benedict J. Fargione
Bernard Feeney
Ilya Feldman
Karen Feldman & Gregory Diamond
Debra A. Fenocchi
Philomena R. & Thomas G. Ferrara
Regina Ferrer
Aurora & Henry J. Ferrero
Dolores Figueroa-Borja
Mary Helen & Robert Finnerty
Cecilia C. Bennett & John J. Fiore
Bernard M. Fitzpatrick
Tracey G. & Jeffrey Flanagan
William J. Fleming
Mary L. Flynn
$1,000 – $4,999
Nancy Fontanes
Charles A. Forma
B. M. Francillon
Ivy Frazier
Angela C. & William C. Freda
Richard D. Freedman, MBA, Ph.D.
Susan T. Friberg
Nancy & Andrew Friedman
John Frohbose
Patricia A. Fusco
Christine Y. Gaffney
Barbara & Daniel Gallo
Tracy & Peter Ganbarg
Clare C. Garetano
Michael F. & Patricia L. Garrett
Magdalen Gaynor, Esq.
Jim Giannone
MaryAnne R. Gilmartin
Mitchell Glazer
Annmarie & Michael Golden
Patricia Golden
Loretta & Paul A. Golinski, Esq.
I. Manuel Gomez
Daniel Goodwin
Evelyn M. Gorman
Arlene A. Graci
Catherine & William F. Grant
Arlene M. Grauer
Swati & David M. Grayson
Diane & Robert P. Grbic
Theresa A. & Kenneth E.
Susan Grossman
Damodar N. Gujarati
Clare T. Gustafson
Sarina W. Gwirtzman
Louise & James J. Hagan
Mimi Halpern
Dorian Hansen
Anne L. Hart
Devry L. Hawkins
Helen & Edward D. Heben, CPA, PC
Amy Heffernan
Rochelle & David A. Hirsch
Elizabeth A. Hogan
Russell G. Horn
Claire & William Houlihan
Elise Houlik
Joy C. & William S. Howe
Lusi Huang
Antonella Iannarino
Debra Jaret
Ann & Michael Jenkins
Monica Jerussi & Nicholas Tzoumis
Gerardine M. Johnson
Laura R. Johnson
Robert A. Jones
Sharon E. Jorgensen
Elinor L. Josenhans
Janet Kalish
Rita Kalish
Linda H. Kamm
Paula Kaplan
Ann F. & Leo T. Kehoe
Mary F. & Francis Kelty
Glen P. Kennedy
Diane & William Kenney
Mary Kentosh
Jenny O. Kho
John T. Kiernan
Suzanne Klusner
Donald Kopal
Steve Kornacki
Patricia M. Kuchinskas
Gail C. & Saul J. Kupferberg
Lynn & Richard J. Kutilek
Rosario LaBarbera
Elaine Labrecque
Teresa C. Landi
Joan Lange
Nicole M. Lannegrace
Heidi Chen & Brett Lauring
Claire M. Lavin
Athanasia Lazos
Helen L. Lesnik-Mistak
Howard Levine
Stacey Levitt
Linda Livornese Wilkie
Wayne Lloyd
Charles F. Lundy
Eileen H. & E. Barry Lyon
Robert Maass
Jose E. Maccera, MD
Ann MacMurray
Mary Madigan
Patrick Maguire
William T. Maher, Jr.
Patricia & William M. Major, Jr.
Kathleen A. & David M. Maksomski
Barbara J. & Joseph
Helen Mangano Dunbar
Karol B. Mangum
Leonard H. Mark
Abbie J. Marks
Joseph R. Marrantino
Maureen U. Mauser
Jennifer S. Mayer
Kathe A. McBride
James McCabe
Kathleen M. & Robert H. McCormick
Nancy Stein & Edward F. McDermott
Elizabeth McGeary
Maureen J. McGowan
Lucy Flemming McGrath
Manya McKenna
Kathleen McLaughlin-Jerge
Eileen McMahon
Elizabeth G. McPartland
Larell Marie & Vito Mele
Natividad Melendez
Hon. Suzanne Melendez
Penelope M. & Thomas T. Meyer
Frank* & Ruth Migliorelli
S. Alexandra Mikijanic
Diana Milani
Natalie Miller
Marianne & Steven Mills
Kitellen Milo
Jazmin & Donald F. Mooney
Mariann & Carl Morales
Margaret P. Moran
Rick Moranis
Mary Beth & Edward Morrissey
Maureen F. Mulhall
Kathleen Murnion
Domenick M. Muro
Noreen & Leo Murphy
Donald V. Murray
Lorraine F. Murray
Mary P. Murray
Gina M. Mynatt-Galdi
Donna & Orlando Naveo
Kishwer S. Nehal
$1,000 – $4,999
William P. & Michele D. Neuberger
Maryanne & Eugene Nojman
Raymond F. O’Brien
Mary Ellen O’Connor Shyne
Hugh K. O’Donnell
Joseph P. O’Gallagher
Michael J. O’Hara
Susan & James O’Hara
Reva Oliner
Matthew R. Opel
Ines Ottaviano
Linda A. Paolucci
Lawrence G. Pape, MD, Ph.D.
Jacqueline V. Parkin
Elaine Jacobowitz Patell
Timothy M. Paul, Esq.
Marcia Pavlica
Dorothy Perry
Judy E. Persise
Gregory P. Peterson
John Petitto
Ellen H. Petrino
Melody Pettinelli
Giuseppa Piergiovanni
Donna Pignataro
Caroline T. & Daniel R. Pisani
Vito Pisano
Edward J. Piszko
Austin J. Power
Elaine & Marc E. Prager, MD
Patricia & Kenneth Price
George B. Prince, Jr.
Barbara Prizzi
Anne P. Quinn
Gerard Quinn
Nancy & William Quinn
Frank Racaniello
Frank Ragonese
Donna M. Rebholz
Peter & Francine Redmond
Richard Regan
John C. Regis
Judith B. & John F. Remondi
Frances A. Resheske
Anthony G. Richards
Margaret O. Richards
Esther Riley
Cynthia Roberto
Joann R. & Walter Robinson
Elizabeth & Thomas Rochford
Barbara Roldan
Mauro C. Romita
Yale Rosen, MD
Helene & Samuel Rosenberg
Paul I. Rosenberg, Esq.
Ellen Roxby
Ann Ryan
Barbara & Robert Sablowsky
Pasqualina Sacchetti
Maxwell Saffian
Hildy Saperstein
Anthony M. Saytanides
Amy & Charles Scharf
Charles Scheidt
A. Edward Scherer
Diane E. & John E. Schlitt
Margaret Schwartz
Nealle Seavey
Angelo A. Sedacca
Alan D. Seget, Esq.
Barbara A. & William R. Serpe
Frances A. Serritella
Kathleen & William Sexton
Ian Shand
Mary & Robert Shea
Nancy G. Shopkorn
Helen Siembab
Limka & Joseph Sierra
Nancy Moore Simpson
Rabbi Jeffrey J. Sirkman
Gregg Sitrin
Kathleen & Michael J.A. Smith
Carol A. Sonnessa
Rosanna & Alessandro Spadini
Beatrice K. Sparling
Patricia Spiro
Ilse & Murray Stark
Merle Steinberg
Gilbert Steinman
Erica Stepan
Lucille Storino
Shirley & Edward Stowe
Patricia S. Sullivan
Florence C. Sweeney
Virginia L. Swift
Mary E. & Michael J. Tangney
Eileen Boylan Taylor
Ellen L. Taylor
Laurence A. Taylor
Constance V. Testa
Laura D. & Gerald C. Tobin, Esq.
Valerie Tootle
Robert Tornese
Victor M. Torres, Jr.
Karen A. & John F. Townsend
Jean-Pierre L. Trebot
Valerie Turer
Victor J. Tutino
Michael Vahling
Donna M. Valenti
Adelaide Valentine
Louise R. Varnas
Myrna A. Vega
Louis A. Vegliante
Jean V. & Alberto Velez
Linda C. & Leonard M. Verrastro
Dorothy A. Wade
Patrick J. Waide, Jr.
Mary Wall
Anne M. & John F. Wallace
William F. Wallace
Ellen & John Walsh
Jacqueline P. Walton
Bridget P. & John Warner
Arlene F. Weberg
Patricia F. & Charles C. Webster
Mildred Weigl
Gerson Weiss, MD
Margaret & Gary Wendlandt
Alethia J. West
Joanne Westphal
Arthur Weyrauch
Stephen J. Whelan
Cynthia & Thomas White
Kathleen A. Whitley
Diane J. Wieda
Helen L. Wood
Celestene K. Wright
Ketly J. & Ronald Wright
Lillian Yung
Alison & Boniface Zaino
Rose Carmen Zanca
Shannon & Brian Zawiski
Jeanne Zunich, Esq. & Richard J. Bowler, Esq.
Calvary Hospital Donors: Organizations
We regret that space limitations do not allow us to list every gift received
$25,000 & UP
GNYHA Ventures, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
May & Samuel Rudin Family
Tishman Speyer Properties
William & Mary Buckley
Zoetis Inc.
$10,000 – $24,999
Alpha 1 Marketing / Krasdale Foods Inc.
FORT Group Inc.
Fried, Frank, Harris,
Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Jones Lang Lasalle Americas
Knights of Columbus – New York Chapter
Knights of Columbus #751 – Pro Patria Council
Maverick Capital Charities, Ltd.
Resource & Event
Management Ltd.
Simone Healthcare Development
The Invus Group, LLC
The Mines Press, Inc.
The Robert Goelet Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Allen & Company LLC
Ann Eden Woodward Foundation
Arthur J. Gallagher and Co.
ASK Contracting Corporation
Brito Family Foundation
City National Bank
Future Value Associates, Ltd.
Gary J. & Susan O. Ferrentino
Hutch Metro Center 1 LLC
James G. Houlihan Family
Second, LP
Manhattan Beer Distributors, LLC
Montefiore Health System
Paul M. Mazur Fund
Pepsi Cola Bottling Company
of New York Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Rosol Agency, Inc.
Schuyler Hill Funeral Home
St. Vincents Catholic Medical
Centers Cy Pres
Sterling National Bank
The DeDonato Family Foundation
Vornado Realty Trust
William J.Tully Foundation
York Risk Services Group
$1,000 – $4,999
AAA Best Auto Body, Inc.
American Express Foundation
American Society of Plumbing Engineers – NYC Chapter
Appraisers and Planners Inc.
Bay Ridge United Methodist Church
Bressler, Amery & Ross P.C.
Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC.
Brooklyn Benevolent Society
Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company, N.A.
Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales
C.E. Nelson Charitable Fund
Calvary Hospital Medical Assocation
Central Medical Supply, Inc
CIBC Atlantic Trust Private Wealth
Clifton Budd & Demaria, L.L.P.
Concannon Family Foundation
Corinthian International Foundation
Don Bosco Columbiettes #4960
Douglas Elliman Real Estate
Dr. Sibel Bessim and Mr. Irwin Barnes Family Fund
Durland Co. Inc.
Empire General Contracting Corp.
Empire Valuation Consultants
Evercore Wealth Management, LLC
Fiduciary Court Accounting Professionals, LLC
Fiduciary Trust Company International
Figli Di Carolei Inc.
First Manhattan Co.
First Republic Private Wealth Management
Floral Park Junior Woman’s Club
Friends of Pelham Civic Association Inc.
Glenmede Trust Company
$1,000 – $4,999
Glickenhaus Foundation
Gloria Gray Foundation Inc
Goldie Anna Charitable Trust Fund
Guidepost Solutions
Gurr Johns
Hatcher FLP
Hayloft Auctions by Doyle
Heritage Auctions
Herman Liebmann Foundation
IBM Employee Services Center
Indian River Community Foundation
Irwin Weiner Foundation, Inc.
Janice Michelle Foundation Inc.
Jill Miller & Associates, P.C.
KEY Real Estate Associates, LLC
KLS Diversified Asset Management LP.
Knights of Columbus #327 – DeSoto Council
Knights of Columbus Msgr. Matthews Council No. 3536
Marcum LLP
Mathis-Pfohl Foundation
Medline Industries, Inc.
Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.
Micromem International Inc.
Midland Trust Company
MPI Business Valuation & Advisory
Narcotics Anonymous
New York Private Trust Company
Norman M Morris Family Foundation, Inc.
Northeast Great Dane
Northern Trust Company
Notre Dame Church
Nunziata Ad Agency
NYC DOE – PS 193 Gil Hodges School
$1,000 – $4,999
PayPal Giving Fund
Phillips Fine Art Auctioneers
Porter Braden Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson LLP
PyroSignal & Suppression Inc
Radow Foundation
Rago Wright
Red Jacket Residential at Compass
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Roland NY Auctioneers & Appraisers
Rotary Club of the Pelhams
S. Rubenstein Family Foundation, Inc.
Schwab Charitable
South Dakota Trust Company LLC
Structure Tone LLC
Susan & John Steinhardt Family Foundation
Teamsters Local Union No. 89
The Feuerring Foundation
The Goodness Factory
The Joe & Hellen Darion Foundation, Inc.
The M&T Charitable Foundation
The Mauro C. Romita Revocable Trust
The Murray Charitable Fund
Thermo King East, Inc.
Transervice Logistics Inc.
Uniformed Firefighters Association
Whittier & Associates, Inc.
Winston Art Group
WithumSmith+Brown, PC