Calvary Celebrates Our Nurses
In honor of Nurses Month 2021, Calvary Hospital will be sharing our nurses’ stories to illustrate their integral role in the palliative care of our patients, and to bring the nursing industry into sharper focus for the community.
“Most importantly I appreciate the patients. Even if I spent a few minutes with them they thanked me – and when they could not verbalize it – squeezed my hand or smiled. It reminded me of why I chose this profession.”
Margaret Baker, RN, BSN, CCM
“The love for my job and the patients motivates me to continue coming to work. Nurses are providing phenomenal loving , emotional, psychosocial and compassionate care to patients and family.”
Belinda Butler, RN
“I am motivated to continue working because like the rest of the world, my patients are scared and vulnerable, and providing them with comfort and the best care possible is a priority during this pandemic.”
Sashanna Cato, RN, NP
“Dedication to hospice motivates me and although these are very scary times I feel our patients and their families really need us now. It’s very difficult not to be as hands-on as we usually are, that’s one of the hardest things now.”
Stephanie Cicero, RN
“While it is extremely difficult and anxiety producing, I believe that this may well be Calvary hospice’s finest moment.”
Nancy D’Agostino, RN, MSN, CHPN