Calvary Hospital hosted its 11th Annual Spiritual Care Day on October 18, 2017. More than 140 people attended this year’s event, “Sacred Encounters: Bringing Light to the Darkness,” which took place for the second consecutive year at Fordham’s Lincoln Center Campus.

He gave a thought provoking presentation on the need for healing among caregivers. He discussed that one should not to run from one’s weaknesses, recognizing that God “speaks” through various messengers, expect that others may hamper your own healing – and ability — to care for patients, and what the source of healing really is. Father Beck’s stated that pride is often the source of suffering and that humility is the solution.
Break out sessions were offered on topics such as: Sacred Space and Prayer; Issues at the End of Life; The Importance of Empathetic Listening at the End of Life; Delirium, Depression and Spiritual Suffering. Workshops speakers included experts from throughout the hospital.